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What we stand for

Here at the Isaac Group you're never just a number. We'll get to know you by name and make sure you have all the training and support you need to do good.

Our values are only part of what makes us special here, if you want to explore a career with us a good attitude is all you need to get started and there’s work available now. Sound good?

Get in touch

Watch our values video

Lockup 2 Be

Be well. Do well.

We support each other to be healthy, happy and make it happen. Because better people are good for whānau, good for communities, and good for business.

What it takes:
- Trust
- Empathy
- Care
- Support

Graphic of our create a better future lockup

Create a better future.

We're proud to work for a business for good. We enhance communities, grow economies, shape regions, develop people, explore innovation, and care for the environment – to create a legacy like no other.

What it takes:
- Innovation
- Commitment
- Integrity
- Pride
- Growth

Lockup 1 Lead

Lead by example.

Be the team member you want others to be. Commit to, challenge, respect, inspire, trust and support each other.

What it takes:
- Stepping up
- Communication
- Celebration
- Diversity & Inclusivity

Graphic of our raise the bar lockup

Raise the bar.

Every day and every project is another opportunity to do even better work than before. Do things the right way, for the right reasons.

What it takes:
- Innovation
- Can-do attitude
- Productivity
- Efficiency
- Going the extra mile

Graphic of our promise safety first lock up

Promise safety first.

You keep me safe, I'll keep you safe. It's up to all of us, for all of us.

What it takes:
- Shared responsibility
- Situational awareness
- Courage
- High standards/no shortcuts